Silk flowers can get very pricey~~but, you can make a gorgeous indoor or exterior bouquet under budget by doing this:
Check out the florals at Walmart~~example~~I spotted the big bouquet of sunflowers that looked "generic"~~but, taking each stem apart from the bundle will allow you to create a pretty bouquet.
Got me thinking about the big white ceramic container I could use to fill up the entryway table; I chose ~3~ different bouquets to work with;
For under $12.00~~I decided on the sunflowers, orange spikey flowers and a bag of Eucalyptus in fall colors~~
I started with the Euca. first~~this creates your height and width~~and oohhh the aroma is wonderful from the Euca.!~~Cut apart the sunflowers at the far base for separate stems~~filling in with the spikey orange flowers. I used some leftover pinecones and spanish moss around the rim of my container at the very last.
Above~~my antique mansion print I recently purchased ($2.00) looks perfectly spooky here!
~~For under $12.00 made this huge bouquet that makes me happy!!~~but,wait~~
Then I decided a big white platter was needed~~it lightens up all the dark woods of the table and mirror. I'm sending my bouquet over to these fun parties: