Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Make A Cloche From Glass Lamp

The top "cloche" (aka old glass lamp filled with dust and shells) was taken apart; the metal parts spray painted black; removing the electrical cord, socket~~and cleaned the glass portion:
Below is a smaller version~~bought them both for $2.50 each!
You've seen them in the junk shops~~they are everywhere and pretty much on the cheap~~


This larger one was perfect size to add some vintage bingo cards,  French script papers wrapped with ribbon, a few wine corks and a paper clock face~~

I used another small glass part from another old lamp; added the finial~~

This was a fun little project; adding this and that to the inside took the longest~~had too much potential of wee things to place in there! 
Sending this project over to this fun party:  see you there!
Elizabeth and Co.

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