Isn't this old wagon cute! I bought it for $29.00~~
While unloading my stuff at the booths, an elderly gentleman was also bringing in some pretty neat, vintage, rusty, old items~~he sold this to me right on the spot. I couldn't get it in the old jeep fast enough.
On the way home with it~~schemed my plans to use a big old galvanized bucket with a "recycled Christmas Tree" from the Restore (2.00); leftover garlands, tuck in some white burlap at the base of tree and new red bows. Add lights~~
It looks pretty lit at night~~hope to post a pic. soon~~
And below:
This is bad. Really bad. Story goes like this: told self "no more buying junk/vintage/etc until I've downsize the collection of (same)"~~
Then our local ReStore had the biggest deal last week: donate canned goods and get anything for 1/2 off; I could NOT pass up that deal. This is only a portion of what I bought and only spent $20.00~~will pic. later rest of the loot.
Bought these chairs for $2.50 each; and only pictured one of the industrial stools (each for $1.50)~~and those half~round things~~3 of them for $2.50 each~~have in mind a great project using some hardware/chicken wire~~
I have to get busy paintin' and refixin'~~it will help me feel less guilty for bringing home more junk.
Have a great day and happy junkin'!