I love finding junky little things for practically nothing~~that's the thrill of getting those treasures and repurposing them~~creating a vignette that pleases the eye, mind and soul~~doesn't have to cost a bunch to make me happy.
I'm always keeping an eye out for little vintage S & P's; sweet gathered together on a small platter. They make wonderful little vases for the tables on the porch and pergola when cutting/trimming flowers from the garden~~
I found two of these pretty plates for $1.25 each~~loving the aqua floral.
And bought four of these vintage plates~~has all the right pinks in them for me~~
Hope you are having sunshine and lots of bargain hunting this week. I've started some projects with my can of white paint~~hope to post them later in the week. Hugs to all!
I'm joining these fun parties this week: