Monday, June 20, 2011

Salt & Pepper Vases ~~ Plus

I love finding junky little things for practically nothing~~that's the thrill of getting those treasures and repurposing them~~creating a vignette that pleases the eye, mind and soul~~doesn't have to cost a bunch to make me happy.

I'm always keeping an eye out for little vintage S & P's;  sweet gathered together on a small platter.  They make wonderful little vases for the tables on the porch and pergola when cutting/trimming flowers from the garden~~

I found two of these pretty plates for $1.25 each~~loving the aqua floral.

And bought four of these vintage plates~~has all the right pinks in them for me~~

Hope you are having sunshine and lots of bargain hunting this week.  I've started some projects with my can of white paint~~hope to post them later in the week.  Hugs to all!

I'm joining these fun parties this week:

A Delightsome Life

Friday, June 17, 2011


Trust me on this one~~these chairs can be saved!  These were curbsided a few days ago on the street where I live~~I was on my way to an appointment and whipped out my cell~~called DH~~"please" I begged him~~"it's early in the morning; no one will see you~~"

Oh the things he'll do for me~~

I'll twine up the bad spots and paint them; add some slip covers to the top half~~they'll look just fine for the backyard pergola for my shabby~tea~party~picture~taking days. 

And some of my latest finds on the cheap: two pretty cotton sheets for slipcovers or use as outside tablecloths:  a half~shaped wooden thingy (I'll use this as trim for a wooden box); and another nice, thick wood picture frame. 

Love pretty flowers early in the morning: I took my camera out with me to snap photo of my little rosemary bush which will get much bigger before end of summer: I'll dry sprigs of it and use all fall/winter long:  today a fresh sprig for the crock~pot pork roast~~

And found this medium sized apothecary jar on the cheap: perfect to store my rosemary in~~
Something about using my very own herbs pleases my senses (and taste).

And~~these sweet "rag baskets" both for 50 cents:  could not resist~~another cute display for collectibles perhaps~~will take these for resale at my booth.

Here's my favorite "past photo~posts"~~please come visit me often and I'll visit you back!

Happy thrifting this weekend~~can't wait to see your bargains!

For Friday Night:  I'm joining in here~~

French Country Cottage

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bottle Therapy

Inside this morning while the rain subsides~~the promise of sunshine later today.  Here's my little projects for some old bottles I've collected and will take to my little booth this week for display; but this is my tray of "potentials"~~~

Last winter I purchased from an ebay seller these awesome decal water slides for wood and glass projects:  they work beautifully on metal too.  Easy to use and can lightly coat with clear sealer to protect the image.  I also cut a piece of "script" paper for a taller jar~~

These decals are beautifully detailed and look vintage~~

I love the muted colors of them~~

This big jar with the cherries would look sweet holding wooden utensils too~~

Here's the taller bottle I used a scrap piece of script paper and darkened the edges with stamping pad ink~~roughed up the "label" a bit to appear as vintage as the bottle~~

Okay; waiting for that sunshine to appear and have just one more cup of coffee~~ 

See you a bit later!

I'm joining these fabulous parties this week too~~



My Photo

Friday, June 10, 2011

My Newest Old Stuff

Sharing my little garden photos from this week; still "installing" old pavers around the beds~~and some of my potted flowers are finally taking off~~

Last year, I bought these two little wooden stools for a couple of dollars~~painted them this spring for the corner of the porch~~

~~and the rusty old pail lets a clay pot fit nicely~~soon the petunias will flower down around the pail~~for July 4th I'll add my little flags here in one of the pots~~

Look what I got today for $5.00 at CC!  A huge antique wood frame~~it has to be fastened back together (hence the plastic ties to each side)~~but, DH says he can fix it~~I see white paint on this real soon~~

Here's that darn shed again!  Okay~~I really wanted this to be my potting shed, but it holds DH's junk (I mean, wonderful tools and power things)~~
However; I had to pretty it up~~still working back here; the new grass is slowly coming in too.  If you look closely to the right window~~all the pink insulation stacked up for the new siding on the house~~I dream of little white curtains at the windows here~~(DH is not charmed by this)~~

My future plans are to add a little deck/stoop in front of the doors and, of course, more bricks to the left side.  More bricks!

Then this next photo~~see that little white shed?  It's the neighbors~~And this is the far side of our north yard where the PRIVACY FENCE is going~~I can hardly wait.  (I like my neighbors, but they don't understand why I stand in my yard taking pictures and setting up little vignettes); I know what they must be thinking: ~~"There's that strange woman again with dishes, flower pots and her camera!"~~~hehe

And, the photo below: another border I worked on Wednesday~~~got these beauties for FREE!  from my son who was going to get rid of them~~and I want to eventually paint the wood fence/gate to match the siding on the house~~

Whew!  What a week~~did a little junking too, but haven't hauled it from the car yet~~I'll save that for next post.  I'm joining these lovely blogs for a great weekend of inspiration~~



Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

Dittle Dattle