This has been a strange summer; too much rain; very cool temperatures for this time of year.
~~the flower beds beaten down by Mother Nature~~
~~lost some potted plants too~~
~~everything slowly growing from not enough sunshine or just too much rain~~
~~today, replacing or adding to the beds; never too late to plant and hope~~
~~this large pot is all new flowers; I'm loving this color combination better anyway~~
Although, some plants have actually thrived with all the downpours we've had, so I guess it all evens out~~
~~trying to get some outdoor projects done and still have the brick borders to mortar~~
~~managed to get the bricks mortared in front of the old shed and love the quaintness of it; you know how I love bricks, pathways next to the flower beds~~my husband's favorite saying "wish I had a dollar for every time you've moved those bricks"~~
~~such small spaces but gives me enough flower planting areas to play with.

The Moon Flower vine should have blooms by now. It doesn't. There is always next growing season and I will start it much earlier next year~~
~~pinks, purples, whites and a touch of dark yellow are my favorites in flowers for the backyard~~
Back to planting, reseeding some lawn, mortar the borders, etc. I'm loving it.
Enjoy your week!