Thursday, May 28, 2015

Herb Pots

This is my mini~herb center.  I snip for cooking, dry in little bundles to store in glass containers; so pretty in small jars~~

Above; in a large clay pot I have off to the side elevated with a portion of old brick; this holds a smaller pot of Rosemary~~

My first time using a strawberry pot; free plants found along the shed (thank you feathered friends;) and though I may not get a bounty of berries, I love how sweet this jar looks among the potted herbs.

A great way to hide an ugly metal post: using vine trellis; cannot see the Moon flowers just now sprouting~~they will grow fast and will fill in this little area; pretty white blooms that appear at dusk; such a nice treat to the garden in evening time~~

Above to the left;  purple Liatris are the spiky looking plants grown from bulbs~~by mid summer they should bloom tall and will look pretty next to the white Moon flower vine~~

Salvage plants put in little pots; these were eaten almost down to nubs by the rabbits and/or squirrels!  May have been a sweet blessing in disguise as they fill up this little spot of the old wood table on the deck~~

Maybe the rabbits won't jump up here~~not holding my breath on the squirrels ;)

Have a blessed day.

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