Wednesday, July 15, 2015

potting shed potting plants

This has been a strange summer; too much rain; very cool temperatures for this time of year.

~~the flower beds beaten down by Mother Nature~~

~~lost some potted plants too~~

~~everything slowly growing from not enough sunshine or just too much rain~~

~~today, replacing or adding to the beds; never too late to plant and hope~~

~~this large pot is all new flowers; I'm loving this color combination better anyway~~

Although, some plants have actually thrived with all the downpours we've had, so I guess it all evens out~~

~~trying to get some outdoor projects done and still have the brick borders to mortar~~

~~managed to get the bricks mortared in front of the old shed and love the quaintness of it; you know how I love bricks, pathways next to the flower beds~~my husband's favorite saying "wish I had a dollar for every time you've moved those bricks"~~

~~such small spaces but gives me enough flower planting areas to play with.


The Moon Flower vine should have blooms by now.  It doesn't.   There is always next growing season and I will start it much earlier next year~~

~~pinks, purples, whites and a touch of dark yellow are my favorites in flowers for the backyard~~

Back to planting, reseeding some lawn, mortar the borders, etc.  I'm loving it.

Enjoy your week!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Friday, June 5, 2015

Junk Day Part II

My favorite junk place to shop is like a picker's dream place;  a couple of old out~buildings chock full of rust, dust, clutter and nothing is marked for prices~~

~~you select your dream pieces and pile it~~then the owner negotiates the very reasonable value of your pile of rust and dust~~usually very cheap.

~~and the jeep was full~~yet on the way home I'm  thinking about what I left behind and maybe I should make another day~trip to retrieve those special bargains:  you know~~those sweet possibilities that beckon your mind for future projects.

I'm going back next week; hope my spotted treasures will still be there.  I'll let you know.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Junk Day

Below; we call it the "back alley";  sort of potting place and catch all~~

This is special little hiding place behind the pergola~~

The old potting shed needs painted, but I love to putter here.

Have a great day!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Herb Pots

This is my mini~herb center.  I snip for cooking, dry in little bundles to store in glass containers; so pretty in small jars~~

Above; in a large clay pot I have off to the side elevated with a portion of old brick; this holds a smaller pot of Rosemary~~

My first time using a strawberry pot; free plants found along the shed (thank you feathered friends;) and though I may not get a bounty of berries, I love how sweet this jar looks among the potted herbs.

A great way to hide an ugly metal post: using vine trellis; cannot see the Moon flowers just now sprouting~~they will grow fast and will fill in this little area; pretty white blooms that appear at dusk; such a nice treat to the garden in evening time~~

Above to the left;  purple Liatris are the spiky looking plants grown from bulbs~~by mid summer they should bloom tall and will look pretty next to the white Moon flower vine~~

Salvage plants put in little pots; these were eaten almost down to nubs by the rabbits and/or squirrels!  May have been a sweet blessing in disguise as they fill up this little spot of the old wood table on the deck~~

Maybe the rabbits won't jump up here~~not holding my breath on the squirrels ;)

Have a blessed day.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Old Bricks

Love old bricks; I can always find a sweet garden spot for them.

I'm still working on some color for the shade garden; summer flowers just beginning to fill in the bare spots.

~~and I have to deal with the rabbits and squirrels constantly~~

~~a handy place to keep the garden tools~~

My "No. 13" bucket is just perfect for holding my weed pickings ;)

Next is the mortar mix in between the bricks; I think it adds more cottage charm and helps keep weeds from poking through.

Have a great week!